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Summer fishing is starting to kick into gear. Water tempatures are really starting to creap up and the fish are moving to deeper water. Trout are still a good targeted fish but you have to find that 4 to 6ft contour with good tidal flow and healthy bottom. Rigging for Trout is simple. use about 3 foot of 25 lb flourocarbon leader and attach your line to leader with a Double Uni knot. I always use circle hooks, my perferred hook is a #1 bleeding circle hook. leader to hook knot tha I like is a loop knot. You can ue a free line or a clip on bobber depending on were the the fish are sitting in the water colum. Snook are also starting to pick up. They are starting there spawn this month so really try and handle them with ease. Remember they are catch and release. The same rig mentioned above for trout woeks great. Right now is a good time to get out on the water so dont delay.
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