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March has ended and April is upon us. This means great fishing and most importantly consistent weather. March is a great month to fish in but with winter still looming you have to deal with some harsh cold fronts and cold weather, April is the month that most of that finally comes to an end. You can expect to to have great weather, calms seas, and great fishing for just about every species that swims in the waters of Tampa Bay. The next question is what fish are biting? Well Ill go ahead and give you a quick run down on what to expect when fishing in Tampa Bay.
Tarpon- season opens at the end of April but the big push of migration fish will start showing up by the thousands in mid May. Typically the Silver King will start running the west cost of Florida looking for Crabs, Threadfin Hearing and many other types of bait that crosses their path. I’m adding Tarpon to the top of the list because if you are planning a trip to Tampa Bay and plan on Targeting Tarpon you need to get your date reserved now. Dates are filling fast for Tarpon season and the demand is always high for Tarpon fishing May. Its as easy as calling us at 813-727-9890 or shoot us an email and we will answer any questions that you might have
Snook- fishing is always on the top of every anglers to catch list as they are one of our top targeted species. Snook fishing really kicks off around mid February as fish start to make the transition from the rivers to the flats. March was a great month for Snook and April will be just as good. As the big fish make their transition from the flats they are looking to fatten up to get ready for the summer spawn. This means some great Snook fishing all the way through the summer months. If you have never caught a Snook its something everyone should experience.
Trout- fishing continues to be stellar in April as the big breeders stage up in the beautiful grass flats of Tampa Bay. Look for the bigger fish to hang around Oyster Bars, Sand holes, and Deep cuts with good tidal flow.Trout fishing is great for both the novice and advanced angler. They a great to target with both live and artificial baits and make for a great table fair. Trout fishing is good for all anglers and everyone should get out and try it.
Red fish- Is another species that tops the list for April. While March fishing is great most other inshore species Red fish can be hit or miss. April is a different story. The mullet run begins in April and along with the mullet come big schools of Reds milling the flats in search of all types of crustaceans that roam the flats. Reds can be a blast to target as they typically run in huge schools this time of year. You can expect to have some great rod bending action in Tampa Bay. If you are looking for some great fishing you have come to the right place. One call gets you set for a trip of a lifetime 813-727-9890 or email us at
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